How can I set default values when new events are created?

When a new event is inserted on your Notion, you can set up default values for that event, such as Page emoji icon, Select, Multi-select, Text, or Checkbox.

The values you will see in the drop-down list are based on those of the database you linked when setting the automation for the first time.

You can also change these settings on your automation settings. Here's how to do it:

  1. Enter your 2sync app dashboard. From the homepage, you can access it through the Go to application button.

  1. Hover on the icons on the left menu and click on Automations. This is also the default page you will see when entering the app.

  1. Go to your automation.

  1. Scroll down to Default Notion Values. Here, you can add and delete default Notion values for your database. Whenever a new Notion entry is synced from your tool, 2sync will assign the default value of your choice.

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